Which among the following is the largest storage?

Which among the following is the largest storage?
(A) Petabyte
(B) Megabyte
(C) Terabyte
(D) Kilobyte

Correct Option is: A

  • Data transmission speed of wire pair is?

    Data transmission speed of wire pair is? (A) 9500 bps (B) 9600 bps (C) 9700 bps (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • To send data and information we need?

    To send data and information we need? (A) Sending device (B) Receiving device (C) Channel device (D) Communication signal Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Common protocol used in WAN is?

    Common protocol used in WAN is? (A) Ethernet (B) X.25 (C) ISO (D) IEEE Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • SNA is an example of?

    SNA is an example of? (A) De Facto protocol (B) De Jure protocol (C) Network Organization (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • We can organized files by storing them in?

    We can organized files by storing them in? (A) Folders (B) Indexes (C) Lists (D) Archives Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Junk email is also known as?

    Junk email is also known as? (A) Spoof (B) Spam (C) Sniffer Script (D) Spool Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Which feature of ROM makes it useful?

    Which feature of ROM makes it useful? (A) Data in ROM is non-volatile, it remains there even without electrical power. (B) Information in ROM can be easily updated. (C) ROM provides very large amount of inexpensive data storage. (D) None of the above Correct Answer is: AClick on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • IBM 1401 is?

    IBM 1401 is? (A) 1st generation computer (B) 2nd generation computer (C) 3rd generation computer (D) 4th generation computer Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Who is the inventor of C language?

    Who is the inventor of C language? (A) Seymour Papert (B) Donald Kunth (C) Dennis M. Ritchie (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • ROM is also known as?

    ROM is also known as? (A) Magnetic chip (B) Programmed chip (C) Fast chip (D) All of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Which stores data and information temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit?

    Which stores data and information temporarily and pass it on as directed by the control unit? (A) Memory (B) Number (C) Address (D) Register Show less… Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Who designs the structure of the program when creating a computer program?

    Who designs the structure of the program when creating a computer program? (A) Programmer (B) End user (C) Client (D) System Analyst Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Computer system that is very old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as?

    Computer system that is very old and perhaps not satisfactory is referred to as? (A) Legacy system (B) Historical system (C) Ancient system (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Common name for the crime of stealing password is?

    Common name for the crime of stealing password is? (A) Identity Theft (B) Jacking (C) Hacking (D) Spoofing Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Which is the measurement of things such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for security access?

    Which is the measurement of things such as fingerprints and retinal scans used for security access? (A) Computer security (B) Bio measurement (C) Biometrics (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Cathode Ray tube is a form of?

    Cathode Ray tube is a form of? (A) Mouse (B) Monitor (C) Keyboard (D) Motherboard Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • To display the contents of a folder in windows explorer?

    To display the contents of a folder in windows explorer? (A) Collapse it (B) Name it (C) Click on it (D) All are correct Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Which memory must be refreshed many time per second?

    Which memory must be refreshed many time per second? (A) Dynamic RAM (B) Static RAM (C) ROM (D) EPROM Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • ICs are classified on the basis of?

    ICs are classified on the basis of? (A) Type of computer (B) Manufacturing company (C) Number of transistors (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • JPEG stands for?

    JPEG stands for? (A) Joint Picture Electronic Group (B) Joint Photo Electronic Group (C) Joint Photographic Experts Group (D) Joint Picture Expert Group Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • GPS stands for?

    GPS stands for? (A) Grade positioning system (B) Global positioning system (C) Global post system (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Vector graphics is composed of?

    Vector graphics is composed of? (A) Pixels (B) Paths (C) Palette (D) All of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension of?

    Files created with Lotus 1-2-3 have an extension of? (A) DOC (B) WK1 (C) 123 (D) All of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • ALU in computer has?

    ALU in computer has? (A) 1 Unit (B) 2 Units (C) 3 Units (D) 4 Units Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • What is the name of world first computer programmer?

    What is the name of world first computer programmer? (A) Ada Lovelace (B) Bill Gates (C) Dennis Ritche (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Bit is also known as?

    Bit is also known as? (A) Byte (B) Binary digit (C) Character (D) Number Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Data Manipulation Language is a type of?

    Data Manipulation Language is a type of? (A) Query language (B) C language (C) Machine language (D) Low level language Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Analog computers works on the supply of?

    Analog computers works on the supply of? (A) Electrical pulses but not continuous (B) Magnetic strength (C) Continuous electrical pulses (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Who is known as father of internet?

    Who is known as father of internet? (A) Denis Ritche (B) Vint Cerf (C) Charles Babbage (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

  • Which term describes a picture that has been resized by a percentage?

    Which term describes a picture that has been resized by a percentage? (A) Flipped (B) Scaled (C) Cropped (D) None of the above Click on Post Title to View Correct Answer!

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