She said to me, ‘’tell the truth.’’ Change it into indirect speech.

She said to me, ‘’tell the truth.’’ Change it into indirect speech.
(A) She advised me to tell the truth.
(B) She advise me to tell the truth.
(C) She advised me to told the truth.
(D) She asked me to tell the truth.

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She said to me, ‘’please lend me your camera for a day.’’ Change it into indirect speech.

She said to me, ‘’please lend me your camera for a day.’’ Change it into indirect speech.
(A) She asked me to lend her my camera for a day.
(B) She request me to lend her my camera for a day.
(C) She requested me to lend her my camera for a day.
(D) She requested me to lended her my camera for a day.

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She said to me, ‘’Do not waste your time in idle talk.’’ Change it into indirect speech.

She said to me, ‘’Do not waste your time in idle talk.’’ Change it into indirect speech.
(A) She advised me not to waste your time in idle talk.
(B) She advised me not to wasted my time in idle talk.
(C) She ask me not to waste my time in idle talk.
(D) She advised me not to waste my time in idle talk.

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