Assistant Administrative office Paper April 2023

Assistant Administrative office Paper 2023 (Today)

Insects breath through…??

Ameen ul ummat?

When Pak left CENTO?

Patars Bukhari writer of?

Rekhta meaning?

Kufars killed on the conquest of Makkah

Aaqaye e Urdu?

Reverie meaning

At stake

Clauswatz about war continuation of policy

None of the boys was absent

Itinerant meaning

Stagnant Antonym

Facilitate synonym

Combustible gas

he died of corona

foreign key is a column (or combination of columns) in a table whose values must match values of a column in some other table.

FOREIGN KEY constraints enforce referential integrity, which essentially says that if column value A refers to column value B, then column value B must exist

Characterstics of computer


To Share videos, photo, text is used what’sapp, Skype, yahoo messenger, all

Industry share at the time of partition

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